We treat every child as our own, dedicating ourselves wholeheartedly to their success.
Teaching Children-Reaching Families
As a Head Start program, we strive to provide a whole child approach. We do this by recognizing parents as a child's first and most important teacher. We are dedicated to promoting an environment conductive to learning , focusing on key growth domains helping children learn through new experiences, investigating and developing new problem solving skills, establishing caring relationships, and developing higher order thinking skills by increasing teacher child interactions.
Head/Early Start is a child development program which identifies and meets the individual needs of eligible children and their families. Through activities for emotional, social, intellectual, and physical growth, parents and staff work together to meet the needs of the children and their immediate families.
Children who are 6 weeks to 5 years of age and pregnant mothers meet the requirement for Delta Head Start. While 90% of the families must fall at or below federal income guidelines, 10% of our enrollments may be children from families with higher incomes. Delta offers a home visitation program for children ages 6 wks-3 yrs, as well as a center based option for all age groups. Delta will assist with the necessary, age-appropriate supplies for those in our on-site EHS programs.
Head Start’s learning experiences encourage cognitive, emotional, social and motor development through an integrated program that provides each child with opportunities to experience success. Services are individualized to ensure that every child is ready for school. Each child receives a developmental screening to determine their strengths and areas for improvement.
Each child is assessed for health needs and receives thorough medical and dental screenings and necessary follow-up treatment. Speech, hearing, visual and other health screenings are also provided. Children’s nutritional needs are met in accordance with the state nutrition guidelines. All students are served a healthy breakfast, dinner and snack daily. A certified professional does an observation on every classroom to assure a healthy environment for the Head Start child.
Our mission is to provide an inclusive atmosphere for children with disabilities. We support parents in order for them to better advocate for their child’s needs.
Head Start /Early Head Start also serves families, as well as children. We provide family services and referrals for assistance to ensure family needs are met. Head Start/Early Head Start is unique in that it offers many opportunities for parents to become involved in their child’s education. Parents help determine how the Head Start program operates by serving on Parent Committees and the Policy Council. Parents are also asked to participate directly as home teachers and as volunteers in the center. Delta’s Awesome Dad’s Program offers opportunities for positive male role models to get involved in the educational setting with their children.
Head Start will collaborate with other agencies in order to provide the highest level of services for children and their families. We currently collaborate with public schools in every county.
Delta Head Start uses the Creative Curriculum as the classroom researched based curriculum. It aligns with federal and state guidelines and includes an assessment piece called Teaching Strategies Gold Plus. We use the Creative Curriculum for lesson planning, goal setting, ongoing assessments, language support, and observations. Lesson plans are designed based on individual child assessment data and observations.
Delta Head Start uses the Conscious Discipline curriculum to support mental health and behavior management in the classroom. Teachers utilize this curriculum to assist children in developing self regulation skills and calming techniques.